måndag 31 augusti 2009

Ftalatfria (BPA-fria) nappar

There is never enough written about health problems and damages our children can have by using and playing with toys containing Phthalates (BPA). The first contact they may have with BPA is actually through pacifiers. I was glad to learn that nowadays there are natural alternatives to "old" pacifiers (those potentially containing BPA).

This natural pacifier is helpful in satisfying your baby’s need for self-soothing, while preventing possible negative effects on teeth and palate formation created by his or her thumb sucking. The rounded shape tends to work better for breast-fed babies because the tongue is positioned under the nipple as it is during breast-feeding--helping prevent nipple confusion. About 80% of babies tend to move pacifiers around in their mouths. Because the tongue’s position never changes, European midwives recommend starting babies on rounded pacifiers.

The orthodontic shape, however, is the most popular. The tip of the nipple is slanted to encourage tongue movement against it (as opposed to under it), and the tongue’s pressure is directed towards the tip.

The natural pacifier, "Goldi-Sauger" is made from pure natural rubber from the Hevea Brasiliensi tree. The protein that on rare occasions can provoke a latex allergy is eliminated during the production of the pacifiers. It is certified, which means that it conforms to the European Union (EU) directive in this product area concerned with safety, health and environment. (Pacifier Safety requirements by European standard EN 1400.)

A natural pacifier means you avoid:
• Allergy-causing substances
• Artificial colour
• Cancer-causing substances
• Hormone-disturbing substances
• Chemical softeners
• Parabens, PVC and phthalates

So, next time when buying a pacifier or a bottle, take your time reading the tag so to make sure there is no BPA or any other toxic chemicals in the product which may harm your little one.

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