fredag 14 augusti 2009

Den inte så underbara Disneys värld

I must admit that until recently, when buying toys, I never thought about the environmental impact toy production companies or companies which activities are directly related to children may have on our environment and, in fact, on our health.

Here is an interesting article about a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles which alleges that Disney Corporation has been dumping waste from their on-site cooling systems since 1998. According to the suit, brought by Environmental World Watch Inc. and local residents, the company supplied, dumped, released, deposited and continues to supply, dump, release and deposit vast amounts of cancer-causing chromium 6, air cooling water and residues, and other various toxic waste materials.

The Disney Corporation has so far declined to comment on the specifics of the case but is denying any wrongdoing.

Previously the contaminated runoff stayed on Disney property. But then, the suit alleges, the flow was changed and now goes through an underground pipeline that flows into the Los Angeles River and curb side drains. It seems that now a land parcel next to the studio´s Imagineering facilities is contaminated with significant quantities of chromium 6.

According to Burbank Leader, the contamination is so high that is threatening underground drinking water supplies, according to the complaint. It is also alleged that Disney stayed silent on the possible danger to the public for over 20 years, ignoring a 1986 law (Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act) that requires facilities to report toxins released into air and water.

According to Environmental World Watch Inc., it seems that even government criminal prosecution investigators have joined the case on June 2nd and CBS Television in Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Times have taken significant interest in the case. It will be interesting, not only to hear the verdict but also to see how long this court case will last.

And meanwhile, we all enjoy Disney's toys, cartoons, videos, games... from one generation to another.

(Image: bredgur on Flickr under a Creative Commons License.)

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