torsdag 7 maj 2009

Äntligen, ett första inlägg!

Finally the blogg is operational, after much thinking and wonderings... In fact, for over a year now I have been searching and gathering interesting facts and info, always related to toys and children, and the impact the toy industry has on children and our environment. And there is so much one should be aware of that sometimes it is a bit frightening. I find that there is very little information here in Sweden about the issues which I would like to talk about, so I am much focused on the news from abroad. For this reason, I have decided to write in English as you will find many of my postings related to English and French sites.

And not to forget, the lady on the picture is (not me:-) but) a pen, now used to scribble down a first draft text for the blogg! It is most probably made in China but I got it as a present! Certainly would not be my first choice! I "vote" for GREEN!

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